

The Office of 制度研究 & Effectiveness will lead by example in providing excellent service to the University Community in supporting assessment, 数据报告和分析, and in advocating institution-wide use of data to improve student success.


The mission statement of the Office of 制度研究 & 有效性(OIR&E) reflects its overall function of supporting and coordinating assessment, strategic decision making and planning across the University.

The Office of 制度研究 & Effectiveness at Alfred University furthers student learning outcomes by conducting research and analysis to support decision making and sustainable planning across the University.

IRE Office 目标 and 目标:

IRE Goal 1: Sustain a comprehensive institutional assessment process, including measures related to the College’s 任务, 目标, and meaningful learning outcomes to support continuous improvement initiatives.

  • IRE目标1.1: Uphold a culture of ongoing commitment to strategic planning and assessment, including a process for updating the Strategic Plan every year. 支持有组织的, sustained planning and assessment effort throughout the College for continuous process improvement and planning for new models of educational delivery and revenue.
  • IRE目标1.2: Consult with and assist college departments to enhance the program review process and provide assessment for improved student learning outcomes while continually monitoring and coordinating the cyclical program review process.
  • IRE目标1.3: Provide supporting data to assess and evaluate all credit and non-credit program reviews, action plans and outcomes assessment.
  • IRE目标1.4: Develop needed assessment tools, including setting outcomes for academic and institutional areas and creating surveys.
  • IRE目标1.5: Consult with departments to create periodic trend reports and key performance indicators for dashboards as evidence of closing the loop on assessment, planning and budget allocation.
  • IRE目标1.6: Generate and disseminate data in a usable format utilizing industry standard reporting tools while providing appropriate research and analytical support to assist college policymakers and planners in the college’s quest for continuous quality improvement.
  • IRE目标1.7: Create linkages between strategic planning imperatives, 大学的目标, Institutional Effectiveness Indicators (IEI’s) and institutional data.

IRE Goal 2: Provide accurate and current information to support the best possible judgments about resource allocation and return on internal investments for strategic thinking, 数据驱动的决策, 制度规划, 政策形成.

  • IRE目标2.1: Produce research reports which support objectives linking with college's Strategic Plan and Institutional Effectiveness Indicators (IEIs).
  • IRE目标2.2: Report on the demographic and statistical profiles of the college, 她的老师, 学生及教职员.
  • IRE目标2.3: Sustain centralized services for accessing 及时的 information needed to perform the daily functions, assess operations and make strategic decisions.
  • IRE目标2.4: Institute high level reporting and operating analytics for strategic decision making.
  • IRE目标2.5: Utilize dashboards containing relevant data and information for all college functional areas to identify trends, examine processes and evaluate outcomes for data-driven decisions.
  • IRE目标2.6: Provide data and support for the formulation of the college budget, 集体谈判权, 管理活动.
  • IRE目标2.7: Adhere to the guidelines and deadlines to respond to SIRIS, 爱浦多, 纽约州立大学, 纽交所, and other federal and state agencies.

IRE Goal 3: Information systems will have the capacity and capability to collect and disseminate reliable institutional data in a responsive, 及时的, and ethical manner to adhere to internal and external accreditation mandates.

  • IRAAP目标3.1: In a central and accessible location, disseminate data and information which have been systematically gathered for the college to analyze, act upon and further support student learning outcomes and satisfaction to include provision of strategic planning initiatives, assessment activities and action plans to the college community.